03_231166966F_1753101S https://www.coteformations.fr/je-recherche/une-formation/recherche/1166966 Diplôme d'Université International Operations and Business Management - DU IOBM Université Savoie Mont Blanc

Diplôme d'Université International Operations and Business Management - DU IOBM

Date de mise à jour : 22/12/2023 | Identifiant OffreInfo : 03_231166966F
Organisme responsable : Université Savoie Mont Blanc


For French students who'd like to have better skills and knowledge in what Soft and Hard services of a Company have to deal with.

The IOBM university diploma offers an alternative to the existing DUETI. Allowing students to enjoy studies abroad more smoothly. Students will have a semester (Fall) in France to get ready to live and study abroad.

If their application is accepted by the IAE, the future IOBM students will benefit from a double registration and get an Economics and Management Bachelor degree with a specialization in “Finance” or “Marketing and Communication”.

The students will follow their Fall semester (S5) in France with international students, dealing smoothly with English language and intercultural aspects. This will unable them to do their Spring semester (S6) abroad in a partner university of their choice.

Programme de la formation



DU - International operations and business management

Semestre 5

Nature CM TD TP Crédits

UE 1 - Organisation en entreprise UE 10

Financial risk management EC 16h 2

Economy EC 16h 2

Supply chain management & ERP EC 20h 3

Management and improvement using quality EC 20h 3

UE 2 - Créativité et innovation en entreprise UE 12

Strategic innovation management EC 24h 3

Introduction to product design EC 20h 3

Managing and monitoring projects EC 20h 2

Business game : blended international project EC 44h 4

UE 3 - Communication internationale en entreprise UE 8

Team building - communication tools EC 20h 2

Team management & interculturality EC 16h 2

Foreign language EC 4

Semestre 6 - international

Validation et sanction

Attestation de formation

Type de formation

Non certifiante


Sans niveau spécifique

Contact de la formation

27 Rue marcoz
BP 1104
73000 - Chambéry
Téléphone fixe : 0479759191
Contacter l'organisme

Contact de l'organisme formateur

Université Savoie Mont Blanc
SIRET : 19730858800015
Téléphone fixe : 0450092250
Contacter l'organisme

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