03_2100576F_1843154S https://www.coteformations.fr/je-recherche/une-formation/recherche/1062737 Humanitarian programme manager Institut Bioforce

Humanitarian programme manager

Date de mise à jour : 25/03/2024 | Identifiant OffreInfo : 03_2100576F
Organisme responsable : Institut Bioforce


By attending this open training course, you will master the methodological approaches and tools that will enable you to design, manage and evaluate a humanitarian project. And more specifically, you will know how to:Identify appropriate needs assessment methodologies and data collection tools, according to the context and the evaluation's terms of reference

Describe the main considerations for designing multi-sectoral programmes and projects (water, protection, nutrition, etc.)

Design and use the Logical Framework based on the Logical Framework Analysis

Design a monitoring and evaluation framework for the project, selecting the appropriate tools and indicators

Choose relevant criteria in order to develop objectives for an ex-post evaluation (end of project evaluation)

Programme de la formation


Validation et sanction

Attestation de formation

Type de formation

Non certifiante


Bac + 5 et plus

Contact de la formation

41 avenue du 8 mai 1945
69694 - Vénissieux
Téléphone fixe : 0472893141
Contacter l'organisme

Contact de l'organisme formateur

Institut Bioforce
SIRET : 34040220500033
Responsable : Monsieur Jérôme PERSICO
Téléphone fixe : 0472893145
Contacter l'organisme

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