03_241206176F_1890923S https://www.coteformations.fr/je-recherche/une-formation/recherche/1206176 Anglais tous niveaux CLEM Formation

Anglais tous niveaux

Date de mise à jour : 27/05/2024 | Identifiant OffreInfo : 03_241206176F
Organisme responsable : CLEM Formation


La formation tous niveaux en anglais vise à améliorer les compétences linguistiques des participants, à leur offrir de nouvelles opportunités professionnelles et académiques, et à enrichir leur compréhension des cultures anglophones.

Programme de la formation

Anglais A1 :

Module 1 : Give your personal information

Module 2 : : Introduce yourself

Module 3 : Meet other people

Module 4 : Introduce your family

Module 5 : Describe your friends

Module 6 : Talk about your daily routine

Module 7 : Talk about your hobbies

Module 8 : Speak about your weekend activities

Module 9 : Working in an Office

Module 10 : Finding Your Way in a Building

Module 11 : A Visit to the Doctor

Module 12 : Visiting Someone at the Hospital

Module 13 : Driving in the City

Module 14 : Shopping for Clothes

Module 15 : Goina to the Restaurant

Module 16 : Preparing Food

Module 17 : Talking About the Weather

Module 18 : Talking About Your Holiday

Module 19 : Talking About Different Cultures

Module 20 : Talking About Your Hobbies

Module 21 : A Visit to the Bank

Module 22 : Speaking on the Phone

Module 23 : Communicating by Email

Module 24 : Talking About School

Module 25 : Talking About University Life

Module 26 : Talking About Lifestyles

Module 27 : Talking About the Environment

Anglais B1 :

Module 1 : Talking about your home

Module 2 : Descibing a House

Module 3 : Managing Everyday Matters

Module 4 : Going Out for a Drink

Module 5 : Eating Out at a Restaurant

Module 6 : Describing Meals

Module 7 : Having Friends to Dinner

Module 8 : Going to the Supermarket

Module 9 : Describing an Accident

Module 10 : Describing Common Body Language and Actions

Module 11 : Explaining a Health Problem

Module 12 : Visiting the Doctor

Module 13 : Deciding How to Travel

Module 14 : Checking In at the Airport

Module 15 : Checking In at the Hotel

Module 16 : Giving Your Opinion

Module 17 : Talking About Your Business

Module 18 : Presenting a Product or Service

Module 19 : Welcoming a New Colleague

Module 20 : Starting a Meeting

Module 21 : Closing a Meeting

Module 22 : Making Arrangements

Module 23 : Starting and Finishing Phone Calls or Emails

Anglais B2 :

Module 1 : Talking about a social issue

Module 2 : Understanding a Political Programme

Module 3 : Talking About the News

Module 4 : Talking About Media

Module 5 : Discussing Cinema and Celebrities

Module 6 : Making Holiday Choices

Module 7 : Speaking About How to Live Ethically

Module 8 : Comparing Types of Energy

Module 9 : Talking About Urban Planning

Module 10 : Speaking About Sustainable Development

Module 11 : Discussing Safety and Security

Module 12 : Describing a Happy Event

Module 13 : Talking About Fitness

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Validation et sanction

Attestation de formation

Type de formation

Non certifiante


Sans niveau spécifique

Contact de la formation

2 Rue André Malraux
69330 - Jonage
Téléphone fixe : 0666370215
Contacter l'organisme

Contact de l'organisme formateur

CLEM Formation
SIRET : 98439580600016
Responsable : eva amsellem
Téléphone fixe : 0659157492
Contacter l'organisme

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