
14_AF_0000058378_SE_0000934964 Master mention approches interdisciplinaires de la recherche et de l'enseignement (AIRE) - date fin de validité 30/08/2024 Université Paris Cité

Master mention approches interdisciplinaires de la recherche et de l'enseignement (AIRE) - date fin de validité 30/08/2024

Date de mise à jour : 14/03/2024 | Identifiant OffreInfo : 14_AF_0000058378
Organisme responsable : Université Paris Cité


Le master AIRE est destiné aux étudiants des quatre coins du monde, désireux de suivre une formation interdisciplinaire de haut niveau.
Elaborer des démarches expérimentales et théoriques pour répondre aux besoins d'innovation des organisations au niveau international
Traduire des concepts sous forme de prototypes pour favoriser des expérimentions dans des domaines d'innovation (réalité virtuelle, réalité augmentée, robotique, intelligence artificielle IA, machine learning)
Maitriser les concepts et les engagements de l'open-sciences, et mettre-en-oeuvre les outils et pratiques de l'open source et de l'open access
Répondre à des défis et problèmes environnementaux et sociétaux mondialisés, valoriser les processus de recherche à l'international, et contribuer à l'intelligence collective en utilisant des savoirs et méthodes scientifiques pour des solutions effectives.
le master AIRE regroupe 3 parcours :
-Parcours Learning sciences
- Parcours Digital sciences
-Parcours Life sciences- AIV

Programme de la formation

UE.1.1 Game Design for Learning
UE.1.2 Learning by doing
UE.1.3 Open Cognition & Education
UE.1.4 Technologies for learning
UE.1.4.1 - Anatomy of EdTech Devices and Services: Evaluation of Applications and Digital Environments For Teaching & Learning
UE.1.4.2 - Frontiers of Learning: Audio in Immersive Systems, Music and ArtificiaI Intelligence
UE 1.4.3 - Workshops
UE.1.5 Innovative pedagogy and learning society
UE.1.5.1 - Innovative education: methodology and prospective
UE.1.5.2 - Learning territories and participative research in education
UE.1.6 Open science and Citizen science
UE.1.6.1 - Open Science & Citizen Science: DITO's Presentation and Call to Action
UE.1.6.2 - Citizen Sciences, Digital Transition and Education
UE.1.6.3 - A Project-based Overview of Digital Humanities
UE.1.6.4 - Introduction to statistics for social sciences
UE.1.6.5 - Open science and social innovation
UE in partnership with other institutions:
Sciences Po Paris Disruptive Technologies and Public Policy
EHESS Le bien-être à l'école : des théories aux pratiques
E2.1 Seminars (workshops and Master classes)
UE2.2 Internship in a research lab or in a company
Master 2 - Semester 3
The second year mainly consists in 9 months of internships (usually two internships, each with a duration of 5 months) and mandatory courses at CRI. The courses consists in 5 weeks of workshop (one week each 2 months) and one Friday during the months with no workshop. Some courses will be recurrent and some others will be intensive sessions. Apart from courses, the students are also required to participate in the monthly Master classes which usually take place on the evenings (18-21pm).
UE 3.1 Writing workshop
UE.3.1.1 - Pitch sessions
UE.3.1.2 - Medium publication
UE 3.2 Critical Analysis of Scientific Approaches of Learning
UE 3.3 Internship II
For the first semester of M2, the students who enter directly in Master 2 can choose to follow the M1 courses instead of making their first internship. Then, they can follow as many courses as they want to, but have to validate only 2 courses. You can also choose to validate more than 2 courses, in this case the 2 best grades will be taken into account. In either case, they have to follow the M2 mandatory courses.
Master 2 - Semester 4
UE4.1 Data and education
UE4.1.1 - Introduction to statistics for social sciences
UE4.1.2 - Introduction to data science for learning
UE4.2 Design, Creation and Evaluation of an Innovative Project (DECEIP)
UE4.2.1 - Social networks, data & ethics of algorithms: frontiers of digital science
UE4.2.2 - Scientific posters design
UE4.3 Creating interdisciplinary projects
UE4.3.1 - Creating an Interdisciplinary Research Project (CIRP)
UE4.3.2 - Entrepreneurship Week
UE4.4 Internship III

Validation et sanction

Master mention approches interdisciplinaires de la recherche et de l'enseignement;Attestation de suivi de présence

Type de formation



Bac + 5 et plus

Contact de la formation

Responsable : Mme Reine RIGAULT
Téléphone fixe : 01 57 27 82 34
Contacter l'organisme

Contact de l'organisme formateur

Université Paris Cité
SIRET : 13002573700011
Responsable : Mme Reine RIGAULT
Téléphone fixe : 01 57 27 82 34
Contacter l'organisme

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