14_AF_0000151363_SE_0001123113 http://www.defi-metiers.fr/dm_search/formation/AF_151363 Master mention biologie-santé parcours computational neurosciences and neuroengineering - 2ème année Université Paris-Saclay

Master mention biologie-santé parcours computational neurosciences and neuroengineering - 2ème année

Date de mise à jour : 11/02/2025 | Identifiant OffreInfo : 14_AF_0000151363
Organisme responsable : Université Paris-Saclay


One of the greatest challenges of modern science is to understand how the brain processes information in order to imitate its
computing and learning capabilities (Artificial Intelligence, neuromorphic electronic circuits, machine learning,...) and to
compensate the brain failures with computational and technological tools (Closed-Loop Neurosciences, Brain Computing
Thus, the Computational Neurosciences and Neuroengineering Master aims to train students to face problems raised by brain
perception, processing and transmission of information. The training program is based on experimental, computational and
theoretical approaches, combining neurosciences, physics, applied mathematics and computer sciences at different scales (cell,
network, behaviour) and different organizational levels (micro, meso- and macroscopic scales).
Thanks to the reputation of the laboratories and research teams involved, the Master degree offers a very high level courses
programme with a high international visibility.

Programme de la formation

The CNN Master courses programme targets students with a range of backgrounds, including Life Sciences, Computing Science,
Mathematics, Physics and Engineering. One part of the courses is focused on the theoretical approaches and the remainder is
focused on a research project. Student will achieve the CNN Master with his own skills and interests.
During the first semester, lectures such as the physiological bases of neuroscience, the neural bases of perception, the techniques
for measuring and stimulating neural activity, the processing and analysis of neural signals, the dynamical systems and
computational neuroscience, will provide the necessary tools to understand the complex phenomena involved in processing and
transmitting information in the brain. A supervised scientific project will complete the students' training during the semester one.
Semester two begins with a Master thesis of three to six months. This Master thesis project gives students real research
experiences in computational neurosciences and neuroengineering. They will have the opportunity to work closely with a leading
research team in the academic laboratories and opportunities will be created to work on industry lead projects. They will benefit from the supervision of experienced researchers. The project can be carried out with a research group at University Paris-Saclay,
with an industrial partner or with a research institute in France or worldwide.

Validation et sanction

Master mention biologie-santé;Attestation de suivi de présence

Type de formation



Bac + 5 et plus

Contact de la formation

Responsable : Mme Corinne MOUDIO PRISO
Téléphone fixe : 01 69 15 36 03
Contacter l'organisme

Contact de l'organisme formateur

Université Paris-Saclay
SIRET : 13002602400054
Responsable : Mme Corinne MOUDIO PRISO
Téléphone fixe : 01 69 15 36 03
Contacter l'organisme

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