Date de mise à jour : 17/06/2024 | Identifiant OffreInfo :
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Université Paris-Saclay
The Master Nuclear Energy is an international Master's degree, whose objective is to provide high?level foreign and French students with the main knowledge necessary for the nuclear industry producing low?carbon electricity. Through the quality and scope of the content processed, it makes it possible to meet a wide spectrum of the needs of companies in this field by recruiting students with high initial employability. This Master's degree also aims to prepare students for research in the nuclear field (e. g. Reactor Physics, Modeling and Simulation, Instrumentation, Radiochemistry). The entire Master's degree therefore addresses the different professions in civil nuclearenergy. Its teaching is entirely provided in English.
The first year is splitted in two track: Physics and Chemistry. Each of these intend to provide student essential knowledge to prepare them for the second year in the master.
In the second year, five tracks are proposed:
? Fuel Cycle: this course aims to learn the physico?chemistry necessary for the different stages of the nuclear fuel cycle. It is based on the
introduction of the basic research concepts required for the development and fine?tuning of processes and the design of new industrial
objects. This track is only accessible from M1 Chemistry.
? Decommissionning and Waste Management: this course aims to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to conduct a
project to clean up and dismantle old nuclear installations (reactor, plant, workshop, laboratory, installation, contaminated site or soil)
and to manage radioactive waste. This track is accessible from both M1.
? Operation: the objective here is to learn how to operate, control and maintain a nuclear installation, in particular a nuclear power
plant. The programme provides the knowledge base for understanding the physical phenomena related to the operation of a facility, in
particular from the point of view of safety and security. This track is mainly accessible from M1 Physics.
- Nuclear Plant Design: provides students with in-depth training in the design and construction of nuclear facilities such as nuclear power plants or fuel processing plants. It covers the safety approach, project management, civil engineering as well as systems and equipment. It provides the basis for understanding the physical phenomena that underlie the operation of nuclear reactors. It introduces the use of major codes for structural calculation and reactor operation and trains in radiation protection for man and his environment.
- Nuclear Reactor Physics and Engineering:based on the physics of nuclear reactors and aimed at meeting the needs of the nuclear industry such as those related to the optimized operation of the current fleet, the deployment of Generation III+ reactors (EPR...), the design of Generation IV nuclear reactors. It also includes the design and operation of experimental reactors and the development and interpretation of experiments.
Master mention ingénierie nucléaire;Attestation de suivi de présence
Bac + 5 et plus
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