03_241247214F_2170820S https://www.coteformations.fr/je-recherche/une-formation/recherche/1247214 TOEFL Exam Preparation YYYOURS Formations

TOEFL Exam Preparation

Date de mise à jour : 16/12/2024 | Identifiant OffreInfo : 03_241247214F
Organisme responsable : YYYOURS Formations


"Excel in the TOEFL exam with essential skills.

Answer FAQs and share valuable TOEFL tips and tricks.

Improve comprehension through reading and listening exercises.

Enhance language skills with writing and speaking exercises.

Prepare effectively for the TOEFL exam with strategies and practice.

Programme de la formation

1. Exam Presentation

2. Exam tips and tricks

3. Exercices reading and listening

4. Speaking and writing

Validation et sanction

Attestation de formation

Type de formation

Non certifiante


Sans niveau spécifique

Contact de la formation

6 Allée des Pervenches
26760 - Beaumont-lès-Valence
Téléphone fixe : 0422840494
Contacter l'organisme

Contact de l'organisme formateur

YYYOURS Formations
SIRET : 81501410500010
Responsable : ROCCHETTI EVE
Téléphone fixe : 0422840494
Contacter l'organisme

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